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My name is George Hart. I am a 4th year Game Design and Production Student at Abertay University.

I love design and technical challenges: aiming to create pleasurable and engaging experiences for players.

I am motivated by efficiency and always aim to build workable and scalable games.

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DARE Academy Runner Up 2023.

Producer, Designer and Programmer.

Screenshot 2023-10-07 230524.png

Left Behind

Technical exploration into making a scalable turn-based prototype in Unity.

Players must manage various resources in order to escape a hostile planet.

Final Iteration

Mini Motorsport Manager

Gathering, analysing and acting upon quantative and qualitive feedback, including custom analytic events.


Mistborn Prototype

Gameplay & Level Designer

Recreating a novel chapter in gameplay form



Level Designer/Tech Artist

My first multi-disciplinary project building a digital game prototype.

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